I work on semantics, pragmatics, context update, and how they all talk to each other.
A perennial obsession: how variation in context update effects can fall out of a uniform treatment of how update potentials are derived from the semantic interpretation of a sentence.
Empirical areas where the rubber hits the road: intonational tunes, epistemic modals, imperatives, subjective predicates, and evidentials.
Deniz Rudin. accepted w/revisions. Embedded Intonation and Quotative Complements to Verbs of Speech. Linguistic Inquiry.
[Current draft]
Deniz Rudin. 2024. Asserting epistemic modals. Linguistics and Philosophy. (Published online 10 December)
[Open-Access PDF]
Tom Roberts & Deniz Rudin. 2024. Polarity reversal questions and the semantics of prosodic integration. In Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 28.
Catherine Rudin & Deniz Rudin. 2022. On rising intonation in Balkan Slavic. Journal of Slavic Linguistics (Special issue: proceedings of FASL 29).
Deniz Rudin. 2022. Intonational Commitments. Journal of Semantics 39(2): 339-383.
[Open-Access PDF]
Deniz Rudin & Elsi Kaiser. 2021. Connoisseurial Contradictions: Expertise modulates faultless disagreement. In Proceedings of SALT 31.
Jaime Castillo-Gamboa, Alexis Wellwood & Deniz Rudin. 2021 Being tall compared to compared to being tall and being taller. In Proceedings of ELM 1.
Elsi Kaiser & Deniz Rudin. 2021. Arguing with experts: Subjective disagreements on matters of taste. In Proceedings of CogSci 2021.
Stephanie Shih & Deniz Rudin. 2020. On sound symbolism in baseball player names.Names.
Elsi Kaiser & Deniz Rudin. 2020. When faultless disagreement is not so faultless: What widely-held opinions can tell us about subjective adjectives. In Proceedings of the LSA 5.
Roumyana Pancheva & Deniz Rudin. 2019. Speaker discourse roles and the discourse profile of reportative evidentials. In Proceedings of the 22nd Amsterdam Colloquium.
Deniz Rudin. 2019. Embedded Rising Declaratives and Embedded Quotation. In Proceedings of SALT 29.
Deniz Rudin & Andrea Beltrama. 2019. Default Agreement with Subjective Assertions. In Proceedings of SALT 29.
Deniz Rudin. 2019. Head-Based Syntactic Identity in Sluicing. Linguistic Inquiry 50(2): 253-283.
[Penultimate draft]
Deniz Rudin. 2018. Rising Imperatives. In Proceedings of SALT 28.
Deniz Rudin. 2018. Uncertainty and Persistence: A Bayesian Update Semantics for Probabilistic Expressions. Journal of Philosophical Logic 47(3): 365-405.
[online PDF]
[downloadable PDF]
Margaret Kroll & Deniz Rudin. 2017. Identity and Interpretation: Syntactic and Pragmatic Constraints on the Acceptability of Sluicing. In Proceedings of NELS 47.
Deniz Rudin. 2016. Deriving a Variable-Strength Might. In Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 20